Sunday, December 13, 2020

Netflix Retrospective - Dragons Race to the Edge Season 4 episodes 10-13

We conclude our look at season 4 now, and the Dragon Hunters have been losing a lot this season as Hiccup turns the tide, but the tide is a fickle thing so let’s see what changes in the next 4 episodes 


Oh boy, another twin focused episode, yippee. So they team are testing out combinations of fire to try and break through dragon-proof chains. Unsurprisingly this doesn’t work but the twins don’t want to help because… well, because they’re the twins, really. They believe Macey (the mace) might be able to break the chains but it fails, and Macey is broken in the attempt.

This sends Tuffnut into a deep depression, or as close to one as TJ Miller can act out, so Ruffnut tries to get Hiccup to help, Hiccup says he’ll deal with it in the morning given that the forge requires Meatlug, but they’re not willing to wait and don’t want to go back to Berk so, against Hiccup’s orders, go to the Northern market to get it fixed. To get past a question about how they got the weapon, they said they got it from a Dragon Rider specifically Hiccup, but in doing so the metalsmith calls out to celebrate them.

Hiccup gets word of where they’re going through Snotlout, who was patrolling that night. Tuffnut is making up a story but one of the real hunters takes Macey away, they head off in pursuit and take the hats of some hunters, getting on a Hunter ship and finding themselves at a new port, where Viggo is making his dragon-proof ships. Upon discovering Macey, Viggo immediately concludes that the twins are there and orders his base to be put on high alert.

Ruff and Tuff have split up at this point and Ruffnut is captured. Viggo interrogates her but she provides dithering information in a way she really should’ve done in HTTYD 3. Tuffnut spies hunters talking about a secret plan, one of whom is holding a scroll, Tuffnut finds the scroll detailing something, and soon hears about Ruffnut being captured, unfortunately, the number of hunters is 2 or 3 more than usual so he retreats

He manages to get Macey back just as the Riders arrive, but it’s a trap and Viggo puts chains over them, Hiccup tries concentrated fire but it only works so far. Tuffnut comes to their rescue, taking out some of the hunters and sacrifices Macey to buy them a bit more time. Ryker tries to stop him but he’s saved when Barf and Belch finally arrive. They finish the job on the chains. Viggo allows them to escape as they still have to complete their special ‘project shellfire.’

They hold a funeral for Macey and discover Viggo is up to something big, not just dragon hunting.

Honestly, it’s another good twin episode

Rating 8/10


Hiccup and Astrid are seeing about training the Triple Stryke from that arena episode when they get warning of a storm coming in. Astrid’s resident storm-warden and she gets everyone prepared but when conducting some last minute checks, Astride stands too close to a lightning strike and is blinded, it temporary is pretty much a given seeing as she isn’t in the films but hey, it’s a decent premise. It’s a source for a lot of cute Hiccup/Astrid moments.

The storm has scared most of the dragons away so next few minutes are a search and rescue, then it’s a fight against the triple-stryke. Astrid tries to help but it’s less than successful, and she isn’t helpful. The twins have found Meatlug, Snotlout has found Barf and Belch whilst Fishlegs is running from Hookfang.

The Triple-Stryke returns and Hiccup decides to call for help, Astrid hears the noise it makes before every attack and uses it to her advantage, eventually getting close enough to bond with it and ending the threat.

Astrid’s sight is ultimately restored with the help of Gothi and she and Hiccup officially kiss whilst watching the sunset.

Definitely wasn’t expecting this kind of episode but whilst there’s not much plot to speak of, it’s a good origin for Astrid and Hiccup’s move into relationship territory.

Rating 8/10

Shell-shocked part 1

The Riders, Heather, Dagur, Stoick and the A-team are conducting a raid on a dragon hunter camp, now since we know Viggo’s at sea, we know something’s amiss but it’s a plan Hiccup is pitching. Stoick puts his support behind the plan and we find that Astrid was helpful… they’re keeping their relationship a secret because of reasons.

So, they enact their plan but it’s seemingly too late, the ships are wrecked and no-ones about. Hiccup finds Viggo in a secret bunker and to their surprise, he’s happy to see them.  Ryker has apparently betrayed him… which certainly doesn’t explain the sunken ships but whatever.

Viggo wants their help to defeat Ryker and to be left be, and as a show of good faith, warns that the Defenders of the Wing are their next target. Stoick leads the A-team back to Berk, Dagur and Heather head to rally the troops on Bezerker Island whilst the Riders head to the Defenders Defence with Viggo. 

We see that the Eruptadon egg has hatched but soon the attack begins, Fishlegs helps evacuate the baby as the others look to see what the source is. They don’t find it, and worse, in the commotion, Viggo managed to escape his confinement. With no idea where the next attack is coming from, the riders decide to return to the edge, the baby eruptadon coming with them so he’d be safe. Erm, doesn’t he need to be kept fed. I know meatlug can spew lava but not endlessly like a volcano.

They work out the next target is likely Outcast Island and… they find Ryker waving a white flag and telling a similar story to Viggo. He offers the eye in exchange for Viggo, right as we see project Shellshock attack Bezerker Island. They realise that it’s a dragon with a ship attached to it.

It’s taking its toll on Hiccup, but this elaborate game of ‘who can you trust’ continues as Viggo shows himself again, repeating his request for a deal and showing he has the dragon eye to back it up, even giving it to Hiccup.

I’m loving where this is going so far, it’s looking to be a very different kind of finale

Rating 9/10

Shell Shocked part two

The Trust issues between the Riders and Viggo remain in spite of his gesture and he’s locked up, and soon multiple Hunter ships are en-route. And to make it worse, he’s stuck with the twins, now that’s a fate worse than death.

Turns out Ryker is indeed leading a charge on the edge and it’s up to Hiccup and his crew to defend it. They wait out the initial attack and Snotlout lets Viggo out for some reason. The Shellfire is being protected by about 20 ships, which sounds more than it looks if I’m honest. They deal with the ships just fine, but there’s a problem with the shellfire, there are hunters forcing it to fire, and they can’t deal with that without hurting the dragon itself. Dagur and Shattermaster help the Triple Stryke evade capture but Shattermaster is injured.

The Volcano has been activated by all the commotion and it’s up to the baby Eruptadon to feed and keep the lava from engulfing the edge. Viggo plays mind games with Hiccup regarding Astrid and appears to be preparing to stab him in the back, but Astrid stops him, of course, his real game was awakening the Submaripper to take on the Shellfire. He’d found out about their rivalry thanks to the dragon eye and kept it quiet.

With most of the ships sunk, Hiccup drops Viggo off and he smiles his sinister smile. The Triple Stryke helps Dagur against the Hunters. The Volcano seems to be stable but now Viggo takes Astrid hostage… somehow and wants the Dragon Eye, Hiccup throws it sending it and Viggo into the lava. And the others finally find out about their relationship and fly for one last patrol just as the volcano blows its top

It’s a satisfying 'conclusion' to Viggo’s journey, but it won’t be the last we see of him or the Hunters, join us for season 5 after Christmas

Rating 8.5/10

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