Thursday, May 13, 2021

Young Justice Outsiders Retrospective - Episodes 1-3

 So, Young Justice Outsiders

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to talk about this show, the last time being way back in 2016, when I did an editorial one what I wanted to see from this show… and I’ll say I got 1/5.

My thoughts have shifted a little on Young Justice. It did an exemplary job in season one balancing the overarching storyline with its cast of main characters. By majorly expanding the team in season 2, it also really torpedoed the balance in favour of plot as opposed to character development, making certain characters feel like pieces on a chessboard. Outsiders, as I’ll explain, suffers from a similar problem, but I’ll get to that later.

What’s interesting is that fan demand and the launch of a DC streaming service lead to the announcement of YJ Outsiders in 2016, the show would ultimately be released in 2019, which is quite extensive gap, DC announced the show’s renewal literally days after the creators found out.

So minor changes before we get into it, James Arnold Taylor has taken over from Tim Curry as G Gordon Godfrey, who has also permanently taken over the role as the Flash from George Eads after voicing him in the season 2 finale. Could be a cost saving measure, voice actors are portraying multiple characters across the board this season, and there are other budget-saving measures as we’ll get into.

According to a source I can’t seem to find now, Logan Grove was likely off in the military at the time of Outsiders’ production, so Beast Boy has been recast with Greg Cipes reprising his role from Teen Titans (and TTG). And for what it’s worth he does a decent job.

I’ll be covering the first 13 episodes of the series now, with the hopes of doing the other half in the later half of the year. Part of the problem is that there’s no series purchase option on Amazon for the second half, if I wanted to buy the second half at present, I’d have to buy every episode individually and at £2.49 an episode (I live in the UK so HBOMax isn’t an option), I am not doing that.

Princes All

We open with the scene where Dick takes his leave of absence from the team after the death of Wally West. And something weird I noticed watching it this time, Kaldur’s eyes are little white dots, they forgot to add the detail. It looks weird.

2 years later in a hospital in the Marokovian capital of Markovburg, because subtlety is for losers who don’t wear bright costumes. Anyway, a boy named Otto is told that his sister didn’t make it as they never found a transplant for her, in truth she’s being shuffled away to undergo meta-surgery. This involves being drowned in ‘tar’ and fitted with a control chip.

Just over a month later we see Parademons and a monster, the meta-genetic version of the girl, who’s credited as Plasma attacking the planet Rann, the Parademons are able to heal themselves and repair their weapons using father-boxes. As well as Adam Strange and Alana, league members Ice, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern John Stuart, Wonder Woman and Black Lightning are out fighting. Black Lightning strikes Plasma with a lightning blast intending to knock her out, but that’s not all it does. Superman soon confirms that Plasma is dead. And Alana’s analysis confirms that this was initially a child.

And we can already that this is very much making use of not having a the moniker of ‘children’s show’ we’re 3 minutes in and a child has been abducted, tortured and killed, we saw corpses, albeit covered ones and we saw a Rannian soldier melted.

This leads us into our opening credits and honestly they’re nothing special. At least they’re short. We cut to the Watchtower a few days later as Jefferson Pierce, now not wearing his Black Lightning attire is attending a meeting of the League. Aquaman, now a tile held by Kaldur as the League’s leader and asks the Leader of the team, Miss Martian, to observe the meeting and provide him moral support.

Wonder Woman is leading the teams in space and confirms that Metahuman trafficking has bled out into the galaxy, the enemy are deploying metahumans as weapons of mass destruction. It’s not helping their efforts to try and restore peace with the galaxy after what happened on Rimbor.

The league’s efforts to try and end metahuman trafficking have fallen short, Batman calls the situation a global pandemic, oh if only they knew. The expositional dialogue in this scene is a little clunky, but it leads nicely to the main problem they have. Lex Luthor successfully became the UN Secretary General and is using his position to place restrictions on the League that have mitigated their efforts.

Batman decides it’s time to try a new approach and officially resigns from the League. He’s followed in suit by Green Arrow, Plastic Man, Batwoman, Katana and Hardware. If you have no idea who any of these guys are, I wouldn’t worry, Batwoman and Plastic Man don’t show up again and Green Arrow and Hardware appear as cameos in 1 more episode.

Anyway, it’s obvious to everyone that this wasn’t just a decision made now and they planned this ahead of time, which drives a wedge between Green Arrow and Black Canary that’s never explored. Jefferson also chooses this time to resign, still feeling the shock from what he did. Whatever Batman’s planning, Aqualad’s gonna have disown them so the League won’t be held accountable for them.

As Batman and the others leave Tim holds Cassie’s hand before he, Spoiler and Arrowette leave (btw, Spoiler and Arrowette were part of the team, if you no idea who they are, they never bother actually telling us so…) Batman makes an offer to Jefferson but he turns them down. Jefferson says his goodbyes to Static and zetas away.

Where’s Dick Grayson amongst this mess, he’s been doing some digging on his own, he’s found a metahuman trafficking lab linked to an organisation known as Bedlam, they use a substance known as Tar to activate the metagene. Dick rescues some kids, gets a sample of the tar, destroys the lab, has a conversation with Oracle and most importantly wears a mask covering his mouth so the animators don’t have to animate his lip movements.

Dick has special contact lenses that allow him to analyse data, send and receive messages, etc. Oracle has analysed the tar data he sent and realises that the tar contains a clay only found in Markovia.

In Markovia, we see Cat Grant reporting as the King and Queen are about to hold a press conference. Why? It seems that in the last 2 years, Bialya has invaded Qurac and fully taken it over, the combined state is referred to as Greater Bialya. I’m guessing Lex Luthor provided legitimacy to the takeover in the United Nations, as there is a representative for Greater Bialya in the UN now.

But the result is refugees and the King and Queen are giving a statement on how Markovia will respond to this. It’s also been 2 years since their daughter Tara was kidnapped, with no ransom demand ever made. Cat is speaking to Prince Brion Markov, who had been studying abroad since she was taken. But he’s now in line for the throne as his Paternal Twin, Gregor has that privilege. Born a full 16 minutes earlier

We’re introduced to Baron Frederick DeLamb, the head of security and vocal soundalike to Stoick the Vast from Dragons: Race to the Edge (not the films, just the show) of course, it’s Nolan North (who voices both Superman and Superboy) doing the voice.

The King and Queen are going to allow refugees from Qurac to stay in Markovia. But they’re also promising more resources to help fight against metahuman trafficking. I guess 2 years late is better than never. Brion speaks to a Doctor Jace and she confirms that he has tested positive for the metagene, and that Tara would’ve likely tested positive also, providing a potential motive for her abduction.

Brion asks if Markovia has the technology to create metahumans and Dr Jace promises to look into it.

Oracle’s analysis of Markovia has drummed up some leads, a Children’s hospital that is using substantially more power than it should be and a Doctor known as Simon Ecks who is there as an intern, well below his paygrade. Dick’s not gonna be able to do this alone so he’s gonna stop and make a few calls. First off is Artemis, who is now living with Lian and clone Roy who now goes by Will. That’s a great way to avoid confusion. Dick arrives to recruit Artemis

We see a servant at the palace stealing some silver-wear. She opens a locked door and a metahuman with super-speed abilities races through. The servant is quickly knocked out. The speedster goes in and kills the King and Queen, we don’t see him do this, but we hear them scream and see the blood on his hands in the aftermath. He fights off the guards but DeLamb manages to shoot him dead. But of course, not in time to save them.

With security to be tightened in the wake of this, Dick is gonna need some extra muscle, which is why he’s coming to recruit Superboy. Superboy’s feeling the need to step up more in the wake of Superman being out in space. Dick recruits Superboy quickly but it has M’Gann a bit on edge, given that she’s already lost 3 members of the team to Batman’s squad. Her team is also missing several of the s2 cast, it seems Mal and Karen, Beast Boy and Lagoon Boy left the team. They all appear in the show at some point. Anyway, Superboy responds to her concern by proposing.

Time for G Gordon Godfrey to make an appearance as he talks with now Regent Frederick DeLamb about declaring martial law and suspending access to Quraci refugees following the assassination. They plan to test all the refugees for the metagene, just in case.

Jefferson is helping his ex-wife Lynn put their kids to bed. He tells her he’s quitting and Lynn, being both his ex-wife and the sister of John Stuart, knows this is a promise he can’t keep. Dick approaches but he tells them his powers haven’t been working since the incident. Dick says that doesn’t matter and despite Jeff being dismissive at first, he ultimately concedes and joins the group as they head out on the mission.

Much like the first episodes of a lot of shows, it has a lot to compact into a single episode. But for the most part it does a solid job of said compaction. It’s clearly more mature than the other seasons but they hold themselves to a degree of restraint shows like Titans should learn from. 

Rating 8/10

Royal We

We open with Garfield Logan, who is now an actor playing the Hero “Tork” in a Star Trek like show called Space Trek 3016, wearing it’s influence on its sleeve, I see. He’s doing a PSA on metahuman trafficking.

Cat Grant’s back in the US as there is a summit at the United Nations with Catherine Cobert, the League’s public liaison announces the departure of the leaguers from the last episode. Luthor takes the stage to formally slam them but gets some kicking from Garth, Ambassador of Atlantis, he was briefly a member of the team too, but unless you played the video game, you wouldn’t have seen him since season 1. We’re almost formally introduced to Ambassador Troia of Themyscira, another former member of the team we never actually saw.

We’re also introduced to Zviad Baazovi, the Markovian Ambassador who we will later find out in a much more important player. For the moment, he tells the assembly that Markovia forbids the entrance of Superheroes and Vigilantes without prior permission, this is juxtaposed with our team from before entering the country, Tigress and Nightwing by chartered flight and Superboy and Black Lightning via Supercycle.

Prince Gregor’s pre-coronation reception is their first chance to assess who the key players are so Artemis and Nightwing have got themselves hacked invitations to it. Superboy and Black Lightning are for the moment to stay quiet as they fly over the border with the suits. For some reason, Oracle’s communications are for Dick alone and that leads to an amusing moment where Dick responds to Oracle, and Artemis thinks it’s a response to her.

Still, they are talking about suspects in public, it’s not even a large crowd and they almost certainly can be heard. Brion talks to Gregor, neither of them trust DeLamb but Gregor is willing to let him become regent, not seeing another option, Brion warns that he can do a lot of damage in the year before Gregor turns 18.

They find out their gear’s been dropped off in the cemetery, Superboy and Black Lightning are heading to check out the hospital. Dr Jace, pursuant to their talk about activating Brion’s metagene, guides Brion over to Dr Simon Ecks, something Dick takes notice of and follows them.

Black Lightning and Superboy are wearing stealth suits with face coverings so they don't have to animate lip movement. They find a secret door in the morgue, and set up some hidden cameras, unfortunately the place is shielded from communications. Superboy comes across a mother-box in pieces, and is saddened as Mother-boxes are living beings so this to him counts as murder. They find 4 children in tarred pods, but before they can act, they’re stunned by Count Vertigo.

We’re also introduced to Plasmus who looks suspiciously like Plasma from the opening, leaving Black Lightning too traumatised to act. Plasmus is able to grab Superboy without killing him, Superboy escapes his grip and smashes his way into a sewer tunnel. Plasmus is tasked with dealing with it.

Artemis heads to the cemetery to get the gear but spots a weird purple light, a girl who was among a pile of bodies some goons were burying comes back to life, they try and bury her faster but Artemis takes them out. One of the goons tries to use an energy whip, but the girl manages to projects a shield that blocks it. With Artemis’ bike not built for two, they both make a run for it, Artemis calling in Sphere to provide extraction.

Superboy and Jefferson reach the end of the sewer pipe, Jefferson makes the jump into the river below but his back on a rock, Superboy is caught by Plasmus before he gets the chance to jump. Nightwing sends Artemis to pick up Black Lightning as he sends a beetle drone. Artemis is trying to get answers out of the girl she found but she remembers essentially nothing before she was found. And as we find out, this isn’t a simple case of amnesia but we’ll get to that later.

Superboy is brought to Vertigo who uncovers him, he says he thinks the UN will find his presence here interesting, this is never actually followed up on. Unfortunately for Dick, the moment it enters the secret facility, Nightwing loses contact with the drone. Brion is taken into the lab, and sees the pods, filled with children and puts 2 and 2 together. Maybe you shouldn’t have had him walk in here conscious. Just because he’s interested in meta-activating, doesn’t mean he’ll be okay with meta-traffickers.

Before Brion can make a run for it, Vertigo knocks him out, he’s royally pissed off that Ecks thinks this would be okay. Yeah, it was pretty dumb. Nightwing decides to move in through the hospital whilst sending Tigress and a recovered Black Lightning to regroup through the sewers. Brion is podded but Ecks is told to do nothing as Vertigo confirms that he was ordered to do so. Dr Jace enters and activates the pod.

When news about the girl also reaches Vertigo, he asks for the complex to be locked down and makes a call to someone he calls “your highness.”

It’s a solid continuation to the Bedlam plotline, no real complaints

Rating 8.5/10

Eminent Threat

Our little opening stinger introduces 2 new little tit-bits. First the Goode Googles, which will be important for later and also the web-cast show Star Girl, hosted by Courtney Whitmore. She’s interviewing Garfield Logan and conversation shifts to him now dating Queen Perdita of Vlatava, they met at Wally’s funeral.

Artemis and Black Lighting head up the cliff, leaving the girl with the Supercycle. Nightwing enters the lab and is warned he’ll lose communication with Oracle when the door closes but will still have it with Lightning and Artemis providing they’re in the facility. Dick is quickly startled by the drone.

Vertigo is moving operations out of the hospital and the pods are being loaded up, they’re on a railroad so Nightwing thinks they’re being transported by rail, and prioritises Superboy, he finds him, Jace and the tarred Prince Brion, as Vertigo comes in and says he just spoke with ‘His Highness’ and he gave no so such instructions.

Jace claims she did this so they’d have someone capable of fighting back against ‘his highness’ and it’s more complicated than that but that’s something we’ll see way further down the line. And we find out that ‘his highness’ or Baron Bedlam as they call him here is in fact Frederick DeLamb. There was a clue hidden in plain sight that Bedlam is an anagram of DeLamb, I like details like that, though I suspect he was already the obvious suspect to most people at this point.

Plasmus sneaks up on them and they’re only saved thanks to Halo arriving with the super-cycle. Vertigo heads to finish the relocation of the pods as Nightwing knocks out Ecks. Jace gets Brion out of the pod, whilst Nightwing rescues Superboy. With things going south, Vertigo uses a fatherbox to send the kids away via boom-tube, much to Black Lightning’s horror. Nightwing and Jace work to destroy all the tar.

Nightwing’s evidence would ultimately bring down DeLamb, they hope, but DeLamb gathered some of the security footage from the attack and is now using it to brand Brion a criminal. Brion wakes up and his meta-powers begin to activate, with him slowly sinking into the ground. It’s Superboy who helps him through and we’ll see a bit more of that in coming episodes.

Back to DeLamb’s slander campaign, Oracle has brought it to Nightwing’s attention, so now Brion can see it. Not only is he calling him a criminal, he’s blaming him for the abduction of Tara and the death of his parents. Brion heads to the palace, with Superboy following, but before the others can follow, Simon Ecks, Count Vertigo and Plasmus track them down and attack, Ecks showing he can duplicate himself. Nightwing uses a smokescreen to even the playing field. Brion attacks DeLamb who shows off his own metahuman abilities.

Superboy tries to calm Brion down but it fails miserably and a fight ensues. Artemis successfully knocks out Vertigo with an electrified net, but they score a victory knocking down super-cycle, and another when Plasmus grabs the girl. Black Lightning is horrified seeing another dead girl and this regains his power in what I feel is this story’s major misstep. Black Lightning has a substantial role this season, it wouldn’t have been problematic to extend him getting his powers back over a few more episodes and have the trigger not be basically the same thing that set it off in the first place.

Despite that, the girl is somehow still alive, healing the damage. Superboy gets the civilians out of harm’s way as DeLamb is able to pound Brion for a bit. But Gregor isn’t a fool. He sees that DeLamb must have had business with the meta-traffickers, and comments that DeLamb’s skill means he’s likely been meta for much longer than Brion, pointing the finger for the rest at him. Of course whilst he can handle Brion he isn’t a match for Superboy who knocks him out. But that doesn’t mean Brion’s problems are over, with him being a meta in such a dangerous time for Markovia, he’s officially kicked out of the country.

A guy sees the fight and Plasmus in particular. Lightning spots the control chip and zaps it off, it’s Otto from the opening. Eck’s told him the condition that ‘killed’ his sister was genetic and they can save him with an operation, before tarring him and turning him into Plasmus. Nightwing manages to knock out Ecks, dispatching his clones, so Vertigo and his minion retreat. Plasmus is about to stop him but is shot dead by the civilian from a few seconds ago.

The first 3 episodes serve as a singular story, it’s sadly not something they do all that often but this is a really strong story. There are some hiccups such as Black Lightning’s powers returning for reasons that aren’t properly explained but all in all it’s a solid start.

Rating 8/10

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