Sunday, February 14, 2021

Netflix Retrospective: Dragons: Race to the Edge Season 5 Episodes 10-13

Alright, let’s put season 5 to bed before moving onto a new series with dragons

No Dragon Left Behind

The Edge is still in a rough shape after the coming battle but there’s another issue, Garff has captured Smidvarg in its amber and with its adult instincts kicking in, the feeling is he’s too dangerous to keep on the Island. It’s Astrid comes to his defence, Garff and Stormfly have bonded in a way that grants immunity to Garff’s call.

Fishlegs has found an island that’s seemingly perfect for him, and the riders say their impressively unique goodbyes. But before they leave, they’re ambushed by Slitherwing dragons, which are highly poisonous. Astrid is knocked off Stormfly but saved by Hiccup as Stormfly goes to Garff’s defence, the Slitherwing’s taking particular interest in him.

By the time the other riders are there, Stormfly is poisoned and Garff is missing. There is an antidote but it requires some ingredients. Fishlegs and the twins head off to get those, Astrid is tasked with looking after Stormfly whilst Hiccup and Snotlout search for Garff. One of the main ingredients of the antidote is a sample of Slitherwing venom, so when Fishlegs and the twins fail to secure it, Astrid charges in herself, getting poisoned herself in process. I feel like we’ve been here before, twice.

Thankfully they cut out the middle man and have the antidote work immediately on Astrid but for some reason it’s not working on Stormfly. They deduce that rather than being poisoned, she was in fact in mourning for Garff. Hiccup and Snotlout find Garff encased in amber and free it, it uses its song, which Stormfly hears so it can come to the rescue.

They drop Garff on another, better island.

I can’t say I’m feeling this one, the Twin’s gimmick in this episode is extremely irritating and the plot is old ground in my opinion.

Rating 7/10


Oh god, they’re still making Throk and Ruffnut an item?

It’s the annual Changewing migration and Tuffnut is channel his prankster persona just to make things more irritating. Throk arrives on the shore with the intent of grabbing Ruffnut, throwing her over his shoulder and taking him back to DotW Island (I’m not typing out it’s full name) which is considered a bit sexist by these VIKINGS! Astrid in particular is upset. It’s up to Fishlegs to teach him the ways of the women or something… I can see I’m going to not care about this plotline.

Fishlegs’ encouragement leads to a Throk presenting a dead bush and a poem that would insult anyone but Ruffnut. But it goes downhill when she wants to bring Tuff along and states that they come as a package deal. OK, I get family loyalty but… yeesh, you two are so clingy. Astrid and Hiccup putting blame on Tuffnut is uncalled for.

And the result is somewhat predictable, rather than talking it out, Tuffnut decides to fake his own death. How do I know that’s what he’s done? Well, I’ve seen the films, and it’s in Netflix’s description of the episode. They hold a funeral and Throk is there to support Ruffnut. The VAs for Ruffnut and Fishlegs don’t give convincing performances either. Hiccup and Astrid don’t buy it at all.

Toothless finds Tuffnut immediately after Ruffnut leads the not very Viking funeral. Hiccup calls this the worst idea in the history of worst ideas and I can’t understand why that wasn’t mentioned in the writers’ room when they came up with this concept. Ruffnut heads off to, they think, kill the Changewing but instead she’s drawn a Tuffnut tattoo on him and made him essentially Tuffnut’s replacement, she calls him Snuffnut. Throk tries to convince her to abandon this plan, but it only reaffirms her dedication to it, but making matters worse the other changewings are surrounding the stables, as they’ll only continue their migration as a pack.

Hey Tuffnut, maybe being in your hut when you’re trying to convince people you’re dead is not the best idea. Hiccup stops by and insists that Tuffnut tell the truth before this starts to get crazier. It’s already started as the Changewings as Throk finds himself under attack by the Changewings. I could tell you how but I’ve decided I don’t care.

The Riders push the changewings away from the Island, and Hiccup saves Throk and there’s no life debt there because this show is inconsistent. Because of the tattoo, Snuffnut can’t go fully invisible. But the twins have an idea, they lure Snuffnut through the waterfall, washing off the tattoo. Water would take it off, but acid wouldn’t? What kind of paint is that?

Throk leaves, accepting that the twins belong together.

I hate this episode, it’s really boring, it’s predictable, the event that sparks the plot makes Hiccup and Astrid look like malicious idiots.

Rating 3/10

Searching for Oswald … and Chicken

Heather and Dagur have been searching for their father, Oswald the agreeable. They have his journal and they’ve been following in his footsteps through various death traps. Dagur has had enough and not wanting Heather hurt, he takes the diary from her secretively.

Meanwhile, the most horrifying thing has happened at the Edge. CHICKEN IS MISSING! Yeah, I’ve barely mentioned Chicken since her introduction, so now I’ve mentioned him, let’s get back to the main plot. Dagur arrives and shows Hiccup the journal, wanting him to see if there’s anything of merit in there, and to discourage Heather if there isn’t.

Hiccup immediately spots drawings that remind him of Vanaheim, the badly named final resting place of dragons seen earlier this season. Dagur, Hiccup and Fishlegs head to Vannaheim and the Sentinels immediately attack them, recognising their scent from before. Thanks to a Dagur plan, they make it to the ground.

They continue searching the island and eventually find conclusive proof that he was there, a massive dragon skeleton from his journal. One question, how did his journal leave the island? Anyway, there’s a group of hunter dragons that somehow make it pass the sentinels and attack the dying dragons.

They find a hut, made from salvaged wood from a Bezerker ship but it’s too late, Oswald is already dead and there’s no take-back this time, he is actually dead. Though in his final days he helped the Sentinels fend off the Hunter Dragons. He has scrolls ready for both Dagur and Heather. Thanks to them keeping up with the family tradition and helping off the hunter Dragons, the trio have earned the sentinels respect and are allowed to leave.

Oh and it turns out Chicken found a boyfriend and had kids. In amongst the notes Oswald had kept is a picture of a dragon eye lens, which Heather now has on her belt, as Trader Johann tells her that someone has seen her father, alive?

It’s a tale of 2 halves, one part is an interesting return with some emotional weight, some character growth, and expanded lore, the other was a search for a chicken with Snotlout doing over-dramatic narration, it was cr*p

Rating 7/10

Sins of the Past

Snotlout is heading to the Northern Market for chicken feed. The stall owner, who clucks a bit like a chicken… go figure, manages to dupe Snotlout into paying for an expensive brand, paying in both gold and clothing. Before he goes back, he sees Heather and Johann flying overhead, with Heather still convinced it’s a lead to her father.

Dagur is a bit distraught at the thought of having to tell Heather that Oswald is dead, he gets news from a Bezerker who is clearly a copy/paste of a dragon hunter, what Heather is up to. Hiccup, Fishlegs and Dagur quickly set off after her, knowing she’s walking right into a trap.

They approach a Tavern but Johann says he isn’t welcome inside and has to wait outside. Heather approaches the informant and they begin to talk as Snotlout gets the lowdown as to what’s going on from Johann. The tale he tells has holes in it you can drive a truck through but in her desperation, Heather is willing to believe it. Although she does find it strange when he confides that there are those who don’t want a reunion. She tests them by claiming her father has a hook, and when they fall for it, she gets into a fighting position, but it’s an ambush by Krogan.

Heather buys time fighting them head on until the dragons come to their rescue, unfortunately of course, Krogan’s group have fliers too, they manage to knock first Johann and then Heather off Windshear, who is then captured by the Hunters. Unable to continue flying, Snotlout has to bring Hookfang down to rest.

In the markets, Dagur is shaking up the local tradespeople. They find out about the part of the fight that took place on land. Back with Heather, Krogan gives them an ultimatum, her dragon for the lens. Snotlout says that under no circumstances can they hand over the lens but Johann is more practical, given that they’re outgunned and overpowered. Heather sides with Johann and they agree to make the trade.

They make the trade but in takeoff, Krogan knocks the cage Windsheer was trapped in into the ocean, Heather dives in after her but finds they key she got doesn’t work in the lock. They’re only saved as Dagur arrives with Shattermaster bringing them up to shore. And Astrid has arrived suddenly, like seriously, where did she come from?

A brief fight ensues, with Snotlout using his chicken feed as a distraction to get the lens, it works briefly but they decide to play keep-away with it and Johann messes up Snotlout’s catch. Krogan retrieves it and withdraws.

Back on the edge, Snotlout manages to recover some of the corn that was popped in Dragon fire and they all take a liking to this popped corn. Dagur tells Heather about Oswald and grants her closure. Our final reveal tells us Viggo and Krogan are working with Johann, who believes this lens may get them one step closer to the King of Dragons. He’s been playing a long game.

It’s a solid ending with a solid reveal, that definitely makes a deal of sense given things that have happened over the past 5 seasons

Rating 8.5/10

That may be it for this show for now, but we’re not done with Dragons just yet, from a dragon trained to a Dragon Prince.

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