Saturday, March 27, 2021

Netflix Month 2 - Titans Season 1 Episodes 7-8

We’re back with Titans, will they find a subject to talk about that isn’t Dick Grayson? Let’s find out

The Asylum

Adamson is still locked in a cell in the safehouse, refusing to talk to anyone but Rachel. Rachel wants to talk to him and despite Dick taking some convincing, it’s eventually agreed to give her 5 minutes. He tells her that her power is not only to destroy and kill but also to heal. And to prove it he smashes a glass thing that’s conveniently in his cell and slashes his throat with it.

Rachel quickly bursts in and heals his injuries, seeing that she can do that for the first time. Roll credits.

He’s now apparently open to talking to the others, telling them she will ‘purify’ the world. On further interrogation, there’s a plan to reunite her with her father. He mentions a person named Angela, and on further questioning, he reveals that she is Rachel’s birth mother. His claim is that Angela Azarath is her mother and has been held prisoner at an asylum for some time.

They apparently know which Asylum, which is news to me, but whilst Rachel wants to go and break her out, the others are hesitant to walk in an enemy stronghold without scoping the area out and determining that it’s not all a trap. Gar on the other hand was lying to stop Dick and Kory being on their case, he agrees to come and help.

Of course, when you’re in a Bat-safehouse recon doesn’t take that long, Wayne-tech satellites and all that, there’s a dozen guards and lots of security cameras on the outside but there are tunnels heading from outbuildings into the main asylum that they can use. That may be all for nought when they find that Gar and Rachel are missing.

Gar and Rachel arrive at the asylum and are quickly captured. Dick and Kory head through the tunnels but the Guards and Doctors surround them and force them to surrender by holding a gun to Gar’s head. With the gas lines above making Kory’s flames bad idea, they’re soon captured.

Dick is stuck to a chair and is injected with a huge quantity of an orange serum. Kory gets some movement options but the barriers are flameproof, she soon exhausts her flame allowing the doctors to gas her with something. Gar is chained up and being prodded with electricity, with the Doctors wanting him to transform.

Rachel finds herself in the company of Dr Adamson, who escaped somehow. He verifies that her mother is here and alive, as long as Rachel co-operates of course. Kory is now in the operating theatre, and the doctors begin to perform surgery on her, whilst he’s still conscious. Dick awakens, in his Robin suit. Even with huge amount of drugs already in his system he’s resisting. The head Doctor decides to double the dosage, despite that being a deadly risk. They administer another dose of the drug but Dick is able to resist, faking a heart attack to get the Doctors close enough for him to attack, the orderlies open the door when Dick threatens one of them.

He’s still stumbling around and comes against a locked door. He sees a figure in front of him, it’s his younger self who knocks him down. He wakes up in a hotel room and young Dick tells Dick that he hates him for what he did to him. He pushes Dick through a window and he lands in the batcave, but young Dick is waiting for him and contains to wail on him. Telling him essentially to stop blaming everyone and take accountability for his own actions.

It’s revealed here that Dick was still in the chair the whole time. Dr Adamson tries to convince the Titans to join them or they will continue to suffer. Rachel unleashes her dark side again, and withdraws the healing done onto Doctor Adamson, killing him. With free reign in the office, she searches his computer for Angela Azarath.

She uses Adamson’s key card to make her way to the secure wing and to cell 732, but Rachel’s escape didn’t go unnoticed for long, the head Doctor finds the body and orders Rachel found. Angela Azarath sees her and after taking some convincing, sees that is indeed her daughter. She wants to run and hide but the others are still in danger and Rachel needs to help.

Gar is first and lucky the guards have a spare set of keys right by to let him escape. Unfortunately, the guards are onto them. Gar mauls one of them to death making him the 3rd of the 4 current members of the team to have a body count. Though, you could make an argument for 4. We see Gar transform back for the first time, having to process what he just did.

But trauma can come later, as the others have to be rescued. Dick is still tied to the chair but though they can release his physical body, he’s still trapped mentally in the battle with his younger self. Rachel manages to break through to him and get him moving. Kory’s wounds from the surgery have healed, and wanting to test that regeneration, the Doctors order a finger cut off.

The rest of the team manage to rescue her with Gar’s experience with the surgery equipment proving useful. And Dick releases his pent-up rage against the coming guards. All of them are apparently alive but it was a savage attack, even for Dick. Dick hears the hissing gas and tells Kory to light, blowing up the building with likely everyone inside. The fire is pretty terrible looking but I’m putting that body count on both Kory and Dick. But there’s one more thing to burn as Dick burns the old Robin suit. He doesn’t get a new identity till the end of season 2.

I really don’t like the body count the series is racking up. It’s philosophy that it’s adult so there has to be murder left and right, and the heroes have to perpetuate some of it feels flawed at best. Then I always thought aiming a Titans series at an older audience was a daft idea.

Rating 6/10

Donna Troy

We flash back to young Dick meeting with Donna Troy for the first time. Diana (Wonder Woman) is discussing League business with Bruce and Donna decided to tag along. Dick and Bruce had just got back from a confrontation with the Joker. Dick went along despite Bruce’s orders not to and despite the fact they chased him away, he racked up a good number of victims.

Dick feels like quitting but Donna knows the exact way to stop and goddamn it, I wish I was watching a series about these kids. They’re not the best actors but dammit at least they can goddamn smile. After the credits we’re back in the present with Rachel preparing breakfast. Gar is up early and prepares to make the coffee. Angela is also awake, enjoying the sweet taste of freedom.

As the two sit at the window, I think the eggs might be burning. Meanwhile we’re reminded that Kory is still suffering from the most overused plot in history. Dick also needs to find an identity and to do that he needs help from an old friend. With Rachel ‘safe’ with her mother, and whatever group was operating in the asylum defeated (read: burned to death). Dick feels she lead a somewhat normal life.

The group eat their breakfast, as Angela suggests that they move operations to her home in California. But it doesn’t look Dick or Kory are staying, Dick needs to make his own next move, a move that takes an entire season to make, by the way, and Kory is going to try and live her own, new life, after escorting the others to the house.

Donna lives in a pretty shoddy neighbourhood. Donna had apparently stopped operating as a hero and offers to give Dick a few tips. On the train heading to California, Kory gets flashes of her memories, she goes to get a drink but is noticed by a suited individual. Donna had become a professional artist and omg, Donna Troy has been on screen for all of 3 minutes and she’s already my favourite. She’s snarky, she makes jokes, it’s not all grimdark all the time with her.

Rachel and Angela talk together on the train about what fleeting memories she has of her and how Rachel ended up where she did. It’s an emotional moment that rings a little false to me, but that might be intentional given what’s going to be. Gar’s a bit freaked out after the Tiger attack and reveals he doesn’t have complete control over it. Bullsh*t, moving on.

Kory notices the suited guy from earlier is not longer at the bar and goes to investigate. He’s just some schmo who thought she was attractive and Kory’s paranoia had her on edge, or so it seemed. Dick making small-talk is just as painful as Donna believed it would be. Also, how much did Nikon pay you to namedrop one of their cameras?

Donna gets a text message with an address and replies that she will be there. The suited guy phones the FBI telling them that their wanted fugitive is currently aboard the train. Dick follows Donna as she’s blindfolded and taken to another location. The train stops, apparently because of an obstruction. Donna meets with the contact, he’s been shooting animals and smuggling in their parts.

He’s almost manages to bring in a live bear which he has chained up in a second van. Their plan is to sell the bear to someone to hunt it for sport, and then sell body parts to a market in china. As their business is concluded, Dick arrives and begins laying the beat down on these guys. Donna asks Dick to take photos of her lying unconscious with them as proof she wasn’t involved.

“Wonder Woman was created to protect the innocent; Batman was created to punish the guilty” here we go again. This fallacy is what irked me about Zach Snyder’s Batman, Burton’s Batman, even Nolan’s to an extent too. Batman’s drive is to save people from going through the trauma he did. Making criminals afraid enough that they won’t gun down innocent people in an alleyway. He was created not just to avenge his own tragedy but to protect others from the same fate. He exists to protect the innocent too. He just has to go about it in a different way.

When Dick gives her his phone so she can deal with the photos she finds the ones he took of Kory’s bunker, she says the language is an offshoot of Sumarian that’s been lost for centuries. Naturally, that means she’s able to translate it.

The train stops again, and Kory realises something is amiss. She’s not wrong as the FBI have the train surrounded. Thankfully she has enough juice to blast her way through and blow up the carriage, providing a distraction so he can escape. They arrive at the house, right in the middle of nowhere, so no-one gave a sh*t that it was abandoned for years. Kory continues to get flashes of her memories and Rachel offers to help heal her. Rather lacking for alternative options, Rachel agrees to do so.

The symbols are a mission statement as Kory is revealed to have a name of Starfire, which is interesting because her tamaranian name is Koriand’r but that’s neither here nor there. The mission is to ‘secure’ the Raven but that might mean capture or kill. And we’re quickly informed that it’s the later as the moment Kory gets her memory back, she grabs Rachel by the neck, her eyes glowing ready to strike.

Donna Troy for a while was a breath of fresh air, but it sadly didn’t last as it reverted back to everything being miserable and melancholy

Rating 7/10

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