Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Netflix Retrospective: Dragons: Race to the Edge Season 6 Episodes 1-3

I think I’ve done my bit of dark gritty stuff for the time being, so we’re going back to lighter stuff for this retrospective, let’s bring Dragons: Race to the Edge to a close.

Where we last left off it was revealed that Trader Johann had secretly been part of the Dragon Hunters and is looking to unlock the key to the King of Dragons through the recently recovered Dragon Eye.

In plain sight

Johann’s possession of the Dragon Eye isn’t doing him much good, as he still needs lenses to fully reveal him. Krogan wants to send his flyers to scour the archipelago for it, but Viggo believes they can get what they need from Hiccup and rather than using another display of force, Johann believes he be more persuasive.

Heather has decided to head to Vannaheim to pay final respects to her father, I think Astrid went with her. Conversation talks to lenses and Dagur reveals he had one the whole time, and Hiccup reveals his new Dragon Eye, the Dragon Eye 2 – the one that works off magic or something. I assumed with the previous one it was created as a means of documenting ideas, and compartmentalised with lenses and whatnot to protect them, but this Dragon Eye has information Hiccup doesn’t know, how’d that happen?

At this moment, Johann drops by and they seem to have done away with the secrecy of the Dragon Eye 2 now. Hiccup still needs certain gemstones to work it, and Johann offers to help him. They are at the Northern Markets which have become quite dangerous over the course of the seasons. Hiccup offers to go with Johann so Toothless can provide him protection. Johann coaxes Hiccup into bringing along the Dragon Eye 2, and the lenses. The Twins also want to come along because why not? [I’m sure I can think of a few reasons]

Dagur, Snotlout and Fishlegs head back to Bezerker Island to retrieve Dagur’s lens, unfortunately it’s currently the property of a bully from his past, yup, we’re doing that old chestnut. Back to the A-plot, Johann sends the Twins away as Hiccup walks into an ambush by the Hunters. Hiccup can hold his own but they hold Johann hostage. They're saved as the Twins come back surprisingly quickly.

Ruffnut hypothesises that for the Hunters to be able to prepare an ambush, they must’ve known they were coming, implying someone’s tipping them off. Hiccup dismisses their concerns, for now. The Hunters return quickly, this time with Singetail support, they’re forced away from the market, but could find it in the Sandblaster’s treasure lair.

They find the gems but at this point Johann makes his move. But Hiccup isn’t stupid, he did take note of the idea of there being a mole, then realised they asked for the lenses, something he doesn’t usually carry, then he connects the dots in how Johann has been manipulating them in other events. A fight ensues and the fight eventually wakes up the Sandblaster. Johann escapes in the chaos.

Back at the Edge, Dagur retrieves his lens in the b-plot, and Hiccup completes the Dragon Eye 2. They need lenses for the 5 classes of dragons, despite their sizeable collection, they only have lenses for 3 of them. First to 5 will learn the location of the King of Dragons. Game On

This episode does what any good season introduction should do, the first of the even numbered seasons to do so. The Race is On and the sides are lined up, game on

Rating 8/10

All Bark, No Bite

The Riders are heading to Berk to alert to Stoick about Johann’s allegiance, Hiccup is concerned he might react with fury and his concerned are quickly vindicated. Stoick quickly gathers anything from the last of Johann’s shipments, a lot of food, and has it burnt just in case any of it was contaminated. He then heads to Gothi’s to destroy Johann’s willowbark, a useful medical tool.

Hiccup quickly arranges for other merchants to arrive to replace these supplies but none of them have Willowbark. Stoick has a plan, apparently, to go and get some and Gobber convinces him to allow him to trial one of the other merchants for everything else. Hiccup, concerned for his father flies off after him but they’re both spotted by a couple of Dragon Flyers.

Stoick soon notices Hiccup following him but Hiccup also has a map with all the places Gothi marked for willowbark. They’re caught in a dragon stampede and Stoick almost gets to take his anger out on a Monstrous Nightmare, but Hiccup intervenes. The first Island they find is ablaze and although Hiccup finding this suspicious, Stoick continues his quest.

With Gobber unable to decide between the 3 traders, they propose a cooking contest. Good thing they don’t mind using up all their resources, guess news of Berk getting its gold back has spread. Second Island, second fire, and this time Hiccup and Stoick see the dragon flyers setting the fires, but neither of them put 2 and 2 together to find out what they want.

Hiccup tries again to reason with his father as the dragons rest but ends up saying something that gets Stoick even more annoyed. Meanwhile, Berk comes under attack by Krogan and the Hunters and Flyers. Hiccup and Stoick reconcile, realising that Johann’s betrayal has them both rattled. Stoick reveals that all the traders came with no bark but the same fish, which Hiccup thinks is pretty suspect, and when it’s revealed to be Ice-tail Pike they were carrying, Hiccup realise that’s what Singetails eat and it was all a trap.

The guys on Berk, all the ones in the main cast and… no-one else are tied up, and Gobber’s hook hand is removed, but Hiccup installed a secret knife into his pegleg for all the uses such as right now, where they secretly cut the ropes, setting them free. They take out the guards but the door’s been barricaded from the outside so it’s not done them much good. Stoick’s plan is fairly solid, he diverts Krogan’s attention whilst Hiccup frees the other dragons from the arena before the hunters can kill them.

The plan works, not much more to say but there is an interesting bit in the aftermath. Stoick comments that they’re better together on Berk. Being the end of the series, they’re gonna have to justify several resets in the status quo. This is foreshadowing for one of them.

The traders ran off and left all their supplies, solving that issue and Dagur was kind enough to send them some Willowbark. All’s well that ends well, for now.

It’s another decent episode, enough said

Rating 8/10

Chain of Command

Hiccup has set up a meeting of all the various allies to alert them to the threat. Snotlout and Hiccup are heading to the Wingmaidens to deliver their invite. Chief Atali agrees to come to the summit but having heard about Johann tasks her second in command, Minden, with protecting the island from attack. Minden wanted to accompany her so is disappointed with this development. Snotlout, being Snotlout doesn’t help and is tasked with going after her

As they wait for the meeting to start, Mala and Dagur argue. And if you think that cliché is about to happen, you’re absolutely correct, give yourself a big pat on the back. Kill me now. A fire has broken out on the west side of the Island and Minden decides this may her moment to prove herself and sets off after it. You’ve been tasked with defending the Island, hardly a demotion, is it?

She asks for all the guards to meet her there, and given the emphasis on all of them, you can probably tell where this is heading. It was a distraction to draw them away so the Flyers could attack. Atalia is hit and knocked out and overwhelmed, the group retreats, taking the baby Razorwhips with them. Hiccup asks whether they have a dragon eye lens and Minden says they don’t, Snotlout can immediately tell that she’s lying.

Minden believes that by getting the lens herself, she can redeem her past mistake. Snotlout agrees to go with her, as long as when it inevitably goes wrong, she tells Hiccup that Snotlout tried to stop her. The Flyers start attacking and when Hiccup and Toothless go after them, they ends up ambushed and captured. Hookfang ends up injured in the fight also.

This latest setback has Minden’s confidence shaken. Minden gives her razorwhip to Snotlout and gives up her title as a Defender. The Razorwhip forces Snotlout to talk to Minden and he gives a reasonably inspiring speech loaded with honestly, some of it a bit brutal. She thanks him for it and kisses him. Moving on from that thought.

Trust exercises seem to be the twins way of mediating the fight and them seem to be on better terms by the time the message comes about the attack. Meanwhile, Snotlout and Minden have devised a plan. Snotlout uses Minden’s razorwhip to get the Flyers’ attention, leading them into an ambush where the other wingmaidens use their razorwhips to remove the flyers from their dragons.

Minden meanwhile sneaks in on Hookfang to rescue Hiccup and Toothless, which they do successfully, however it’s not all good news as Krogan’s dragon seems to have bonded with him, and they stick together. Minden is still underconfident but Atali tells her that whilst she may have rough edges, she was very much like her in her youth and she will grow into a great leader.

Hiccup tells Snotlout he did good, and that’s the end of the episode

Another in a line of solid episodes. The action is solid, the character dynamics are there and there’s a sense of a more continuous story this season, so far…

Rating 7.5/10

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