Sunday, June 5, 2022

Alex Rider Retrospective - Season 1 Episodes 5-6

We’re back with another look at the Amazon/Sony adaptation of Point Blanc. It’s certainly taken some liberties with the source material but as a spy show it’s doing quite well with it, can it keep up the momentum or will the pacing issues finally cause it to stall? Let’s take a look.


Alex is being dragged down a corridor, now equipped with red lights, he’s strapped to an operating table and has something injected into him… and then he wakes up, his uniform is folded nicely, his toothbrush is upright and he doesn’t feel faint upon doing his teeth again, but little does he know the mirror is actually see-through from the other side and they have a camera on him.

It’s breakfast time and Laura is still nowhere to be seen. Alex explains his dream to James and Kyra and they reveal they’ve had the same dream as well, which they find suspect. Even more so when Laura returns and joins Sasha and Arrash eating in unison, this especially pisses of James.

At Special Operations, our 4 agents discuss the next steps after Martin’s death, they believe it wasn’t the school who turned him, it just happened to be a link in the chain and set off to see what they can find. Meanwhile Gregorovich searches facial recognition on the photo he attained, Alex is brought up as Alex Friend, they did the story in the newspaper but he finds nothing on Tom, aside from the logo on their school uniform.

Group meeting with Alex, Krya and James, they’re all rather upset about what happened with Laura, and are thinking about escaping, the problem is all the doors have keypads and they get one chance with the code, or the guards will be all over them. Krya might be able to hack the doors, but she needs access to Doctor Greif’s computer, and the only way in is through a keypad. Krya is suspicious of Alex and his motives.

The girl Tom talked to tries talks again to him now she’s sobered up. It almost gets to an formal date but both are too shy to make that move. Gregorovich shows up to talk to a teacher, allegedly about getting his kids into the school, still he gets the identity of Tom.

Back at the Special Ops, they’ve recovered Martin’s phone, finding a crypto wallet with a large amount of money in it and a specialised number. Worth about 50p these days or so I've heard. 

Alex has a plan to get the code for Doctor Greif’s office, shredding some lead of a pencil and using it to cover the keypad, James providing enough of a distraction for Alex to complete the job. Dr Greif doesn’t even notice but the keys he used are now free of the pencil lead, giving them the 4 digits of the code.

Except there are only 3 numbers, so their 1/24 chance just became a 1/36 since they don’t know which number he repeated. But Alex has an idea, given his Nazi talk from earlier lessons he believes it’s 1889, the birth year of one Adolf Hitler, and he’s correct, Greif needs to learn to be more subtle.

Special ops try to use Martin’s phone to dial the number, using a voice print to attempt to fool them, of course since who he’s calling knew full well about his death, the ruse doesn’t really last all that long, but given their capabilities, the playing field has been narrowed down. Gregoravich’s investigation into Tom is interrupted by a call from his superiors to update everyone’s security protocols after what just happened.

Dr Greif gets a phone-call he has to answer with a special key-card, the call says the number will soon no longer function and new security protocols will be assigned shortly. This has Doctor Greif quite worried and he and Stellenbosch head to the basement to accelerate their plans, giving Alex the perfect opportunity to try out the code, it works and they’re soon in. Kyra is able to hack the computer, which looks really out of date for a show that has modernised the original text substantially.

Anyway, Alex asks Kyra to search the database for anything regarding Ian Rider, nothing. Krya does add an additional code to the locks but she has another plan, a plan to get online and contact the authorities for help, since they’re not making it down the mountain alive. James is on lookout and overhears a conversation with Greif, Stellenbosch and a Doctor, a Doctor who has done magnificent work but is seeking recognition for it. Greif believes his time may be up as they head back upstairs

James warns the others by playing a song over the speakers. In New York, Parker is preparing to give a rather grim sounding speech about the future of Roscorp Media. Blunt and Mrs Jones discuss, Parker’s heading to Europe to get a controlling interest in much of European media. Blunt is certain Michael Roscoe was concerned about all this and decides its time to pay him a visit.

A snowmobile arrives at the compound with one Yassan Gregorovich coming into Greif’s office to provide the new security protocol, he also provides a photo of Alex Friend, tipping him off that he may not be who he seems. Gregorovich’s job is to make people disappear, but he feels Greif should be able to handle it in-house.

Gregorovich and Alex meet face to face, and it’s clearly an uncomfortable exchange. Blunt goes to see Parker and explains about the phone-call, he also drops the name Point Blanc casually. Parker’s attitude, in particular quoting Hitler, rings all the alarm bells and Blunt orders a watch put on him. To successfully get down the mountain, James, Alex and Kyra will need snowmobiles, whilst there are keys unlocked, they’d need a distraction to get the guards away from them, Krya says she’ll handle that.

And she does, burning something or another to set off a fire alarm, unfortunately it’s dealt with too quickly and Stellenbosch catches James. She takes him into her office, with Alex following using the override code, finding just an empty office. He uses a metal gizmo to stop his door from locking that night, giving one to Kyra to do the same. They both head into her office and Alex discovers a passage behind a mirror, no surprise it leads upstairs to the second floor.

They find an exact replica of Alex’s room, and discover the fact that have hidden cameras in every room. The copy of James’ room even have a copy of his graffiti. Time for the moment of truth with the doctor who gets a knife in the stomach for his troubles. They also say that Krya is next.

This episode is still good but the padding is becoming more noticeable now, most of the stuff with the Special Operations division has been rendered pointless thus-far.

Rating 7/10


We get a first for this show, a montage featuring a musical number and the next morning begins and James ends up sitting with the others eating in unison. He manages to get both Alex and Kyra to storm off.

Back in the office, they’re finally acting on Gregorovich’s information, some background checks have found no mention of Tom in Alex Friend’s background files. They decide that since Parker is in London anyway, they’ll find out what they need to through him. They also say it’s time they deal with Kyra.

Kyra is naturally terrified and decides she needs to make a run for it, Alex says he can’t go yet but she’s still suspicious of him after the Ian Rider namedrop and decides not to cut him in until he starts being honest with her.

Tom gets a phone-call that makes him giddy with excitement, he gets a student called Eddie to cover for him, and tell the teacher’s he’s ill. He cycles half-way across London, I guess stopping to change into casual-wear en-route. His stop is Roscorp Media, he takes a photo of himself outside, a move that’s absolutely bound to land him in trouble if he posts it online.

Lessons are concluded for the morning and Kyra’s time is running out. There’s no way she’ll survive outside without a plan, and Alex needs time to explore the basement and find out what’s going on.

The Special Operations division is busy searching through all their old enemies to find out who could’ve set them up, Mrs Jones is asked how Ian would feel putting Alex in play, and here it’s hinted that many of his extra-curriculars were in fact training for just such an event. This isn’t said to Alex directly and I think that’s for the best. For all they know he could’ve been preparing him in case issues from work found their way home.

Anyway, Alex decides to take a look in the basement, still able to use the keypad override. He enters a lab with red lights, similar to the corridor from his ‘dream.’ He enters a lab, still proving that his stealth needs work and finds file folders for something named Project Gemini. He begins looking through his file and seeing photos of him strapped to the operating table, proving that his dream was real.

The computer is not password protected and details plastic surgery details. Tom enters the Roscorp Building and meets with Parker, and his attendants who takes his jacket. Immediately some alarm bells should start ringing as there are only 2 people at this so-called “networking event” one of whom is Titan of industry.

Parker tells him they may have a friend in common, Alex… and Tom responds by saying “Alex Rider” the meeting only gets more awkward from there as Tom realises that this is a trap too late. Stellenbosch has the other students looking for Kyra as she manages to sneak out of the building. Of course, 20 miles from civilisation, she’s got a lot of ground to cover and not a lot of cover.

Alex explores deeper into the lab and hears the sound of a girl sobbing, he further investigates to find Sasha, Arash, Laura, James and the real Parker all begging for his help to escape. Fake Parker continues to interrogate Tom, who is now playing like he was bigging himself up regarding Alex Friend.

His handler has another idea, unlock his phone… And in they see footage from the Alex Rider spy video he was working on, what a dipshit, which of course they’ve sent right to Greif. Now, Greif is worried as a security sweep begins. Alex has no way of rescuing them all and his identity has now been compromised so he’s quickly captured.

Meanwhile the school ring Jack since they can’t get hold of Tom’s parents and assume he might be with them. Jack sees the photo of Tom at the Roscoe building and decides to call Tom, when he doesn’t answer, the attendant goes outside to check for unexpected visitors, a matter noted by the Special Operations Division who should have seen Tom enter the building and recognised the risk.

Alex is strapped to a table, and it seems the writers this time have googled sodium pentothal and realised it’s a truth drug as Alex is injected with it here. Jack makes a call to Mrs Jones and explains the situation regarding Tom, Mrs Jones tells her to leave it with her. Alex is resisting the truth drug, instead turning the questions on them only here’s the thing, they have no idea who Ian Rider is. He uses the same interrogation resistance techniques he used in the second episode, singing to keep the truth to himself. Kyra’s trail has gone dead and since her only recourse is to go back to her parents, Greif uses his new call-key to order them both killed.

As for Alex, Kyra had doubled back on her own trail, somehow avoiding the guards back to the facility, hid on the second floor and stole a couple of guard radios. She manages to rescue Alex who after verifying that she wasn’t another copy tells her the truth about himself. Crawley and his team manage to stop fake Parker from killing Tom, but has to report that Alex’s cover has been compromised.

Alex’s situation is still complicated, all the snow-mobiles are out on guard patrols so taking one of them down the mountain is impossible. His only choice is to fashion a makeshift snowboard out of an ironing board and some belts, once he’s able to make a call he can bring in the cavalry. Krya says she’ll try and get the rest of the captives somewhere they won’t be shot on sight.

Mrs Jones calls Wolf to organise a military operation to get to Alex. Kyra gives Alex a short-range radio to contact her when the cavalry arrives. Now comes the dangerous bit, he’s immediately caught by the security cameras making his escape, so the guards are quickly on him, with orders to kill.

Alex straps his shoes to the makeshift snowboard with the belt and begins snowboarding down the mountain, but he’s quickly being pursued, thankfully they’re not great shots. Though Alex has to lie flat on the board in order to evade them. He gets knocked off and lies flat on the ground to avoid the guard. He makes it to a road, but he can hear the snowmobiles nearby, leaving him right open to bit by a passing plough truck.

This episode ratchets up the tension, which of course means that godawful music is in full force too. The actual reveal errs on the side of silly but I don’t think that was avoidable given that it’s lifted directly from the book.

Rating 7.5/10

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