Sunday, July 24, 2022

Netflix Retrospective - Heartstopper Season 1 Episodes 5-6

We’re back for a third look at Heartstopper and in this exciting episode:

  • Elle wins a game of bowling
  • Nick goes to buy a snack
  • And Charlie wears a badge


Charlie and his friends are hanging out and playing monopoly, remember this for later, will you? Tao and Elle are talking about telling Charlie about Nick and Imogen and it devolves into relentless flirting. Charlie tells the others he’s planning on inviting Nick to his birthday party on Saturday, both Isaac and Elle think it’s fine, despite Elle knowing about the Imogen thing and Tao is… completely silent.

Nick goes to talk to Imogen, but she’s not really paying attention, she’s very upset about something. She tells him that her dog died last night, and Nick can’t bring himself to cancel it. Nando’s and a film it is. In form that day, Charlie asks Nick to his party and of course he says yes. Only after school, Harry reminds him that his ‘date’ with Imogen is on the same day, and that she’s been spreading that around.

Harry decides to chuck something at Nick and Tao as they come out. Tao decides he’s had enough and begins a war of words with Harry. Charlie is uncomfortable with this given the closeness of Harry and Nick.

Back at home, Nick asks advice from his mother. She tells him she shouldn’t go out with someone out of pity. So, it’s the birthday bowling and Nick arrives, him being the last to arrive. Charlie gives them a proper introduction to his friend. Nick wins the first game, Charlie saying it’s down to his ‘strong rugby arms’

Charlie heads to the bathroom and Tao says he’s going to talk to him about Nick, Elle tries to stop him, not wanting to upset Charlie on his birthday but Tao’s mind is made up. Jeez, this bowling alley bathroom is a dire need of some extra light. Tao tells him he needs to stop this thing with Nick Nelson.

He tells him about the date with Imogen. Nick decides to go and get some more snacks, agreeing to get both Elle and Isaac a can of coke. He’s right in earshot as the argument continues. This argument, I’m gonna come back to it in the adaptation review. Charlie can’t say anything else about their relationship without outing Nick just asks that Tao trusts him. Tao eventually backs down and they both head back to their bowling lane.

As soon as Charlie comes out (come out, ha) Nick hugs him. Round 2 of the bowling and Elle wins this round. Nick and Tao sit down together, telling Nick that he doesn’t like seeing him mess around with Charlie and gives him a ‘final warning.’ They all split up to play around the arcade and Nick spends the rest of his money losing at claw-grab. With Charlie not lending him any more money to lose, the two finally get the chance to talk honestly.

Nick tells Charlie everything there and apologises for it. Nick says he’s gonna make things right with Imogen. He then tells him he wishes he’d met Charlie earlier and known then what he does now. He then opens Charlie’s present, a framed photograph of the two in the snow. Which Charlie really appreciates. Charlie wants to kiss Nick, and seeing that no one is around, Nick agrees.

Nick texts Imogen telling her he can’t make tonight and instead offers to talk to her tomorrow. We get another montage of the guys in the arcade, I guess Charlie relented on lending him money. More hinting of there being a bit more between Elle and Tao.

Nick brings his dog into the park to meet with Imogen and has to confess that he does not feel for her that way. Imogen is somewhat taken aback but is actually pretty supportive of him. I really hope they do something more with Imogen if they renew the show for season 2. There’s definitely story potential with her. At school, Harry enquires about the date and Imogen tells him they’ve decided they’ll be better off as friends.

It's another strong episode and an interesting step that Nick chooses to be honest right away without trying to lie and make things worse. You do empathise with him and his choices.

Rating 7.5/10

In the next exciting episode:

  • Anti-homophobia cheese
  • Nick lies down in a field
  • And Charlie gives his thoughts on bubble-gum milkshake


Nick is searching for LGBT movies. Try Love, Simon, it’s pretty good. Later, Nick watches a YouTube video about being bisexual.

At Higgs school, Tara has officially made their relationship public on Instagram and is dealing with, well the kind of shit you’d expect. Meanwhile, Elle admits to the two that she has a crush on Tao, but she doesn’t want to admit it to him, and she doesn’t think that he likes her back.

Tao’s war of words with Harry continues as Tara continues to delete mean or homophobic comments from her Instagram. She’s sitting in the music storage closet which has a broken door that locks you in if you let it close. It also happens to be the room the two first kissed. 

Next Thursday, they’ll be doing concert rehearsals with Truham, Tara and Darcy talk about how Higgs and Truham should just combine into one school. I have read Solitaire, and I have to wonder if that’s just going to happen anyway. Their little joke provokes some homophobic backlash to some people around them.

Charlie and Nick lie down in the park and begin talking, Nick asking when Charlie realised that he was gay. He’s been feeling that way since he was little. And he clearly catches on that it’s not the case for Nick. Charlie offers to distract him with a kiss and that’s what they’re about to do but Nick recoils away when he sees someone watching.

More YouTube later, we’re back at the band rehearsals and Nick is escorting Charlie to the rehearsals, jealous that he gets a whole day off for it. The performance is next Friday and Nick asks to come. Charlie is somewhat reluctant to say yes. Nick meets Tara and eventually tells her that the two are dating. He also agrees to meet with her and Darcy at Lunchtime. The three chat in a tennis court, with Darcy quickly also finding out about Nick and Charlie. Tao continues his war of words with Harry though I have to wonder where Charlie is if he’s not with Nick and Tao. Darcy offers a double-date scenario, her and Tara, Nick and Charlie.

One their way back to music, Tara tells Nick not to feel too pressured into coming out as it can be a lot to deal with, speaking from her own experience and something Darcy overhears and takes note of. After school, Tori teases Charlie a little. Nick tells Charlie that he came out to Tara and Darcy and the two embrace.

Nick tells Charlie about the double-date, Charlie is ecstatic about it but still unsure of Nick coming to the concert. That night, Darcy suggests that Tao and Elle go on their double date, officially making it a triple date. Tao tells Elle he’s just here for the milkshakes. Elle tells the group that she was friends with Charlie first and Tao just kinda came along with the package. I can kinda see where they’re going with this.

Charlie tries Nick’s bubble-gum milkshake and says it’s disgusting. Nick tries his chocolate and really likes it. I’m not personally a big fan of either flavour. Tara and Darcy try and make hints for Elle and Tao to be together as a couple but Tao isn’t really getting it. Elle is though and when Tao leaves to help Charlie she ask what’s going on.

Yeah, Elle isn’t really happy with either of them about this, saying she doesn’t want to change her relationship with Tao, she’s been through enough of that, some Tara empathises with. Charlie and Nick head back with their milkshakes and to try and smooth things out, they mention the triple date, Nick telling Elle that him and Charlie are a thing. Tao is jealous seeing the 5 of them laughing whilst he gets the milkshakes.

Elle asks about Tao and Isaac and he admits that now Tao is the only member of his friendship group who doesn’t know, that he’s gonna tell him but needs to find the right time. But we need some drama as they get to the music hall and one of the other musicians makes a lesbians joke and Tara storms off, Darcy coming to follow her.

Charlie says he’s glad Nick came, although he tried to put him off, he was scared that people might put two-and-two together seeing them hang out so much and he doesn’t want Nick to go through what he did. Nick says he’s researching being bisexual and the thinks that’s the word that applies to him.

Darcy is in the music cupboard and the plot-convenient door shuts, shutting them both in. Maybe it’s time for a heart-to-heart. She wasn’t prepared for the drastic reaction from people but Darcy assures her it’ll get easier in time. Nick, Charlie, Elle and Tao run around looking for them and eventually find them, letting them out and they prepare for their big recital.

This episode is maybe a tad padded, Darcy shouting ‘homophobia’ for no reason is weird but it’s fun and quirky and mostly light-hearted

Rating 7/10

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