Friday, July 1, 2022

Netflix Retrospective - The Dragon Prince Book 3 Episodes 1-3

Time to take another look at the Dragon Prince

It’s been a while, but it’s time to see where Callum and Rayla are heading as Ezran heads back to his Kingdom.

Chapter 1 – Sol Regem

So a bit of Xadia’s backstory, a mighty dragon once tried to convince humans to give up dark magic, threatening to wipe out a village of people if they refused. They refused but the negotiator had come prepared with a staff, as dragons came in to support this attack he used that staff to drain their life-force, gaining fire abilities which he used to blind the mighty dragon, he was caught in Dragon’s flame but the staff survived.

The Dragon’s name is Sol Regem, and it’s now blocking Callum and Rayla’s path, they have to sneak by him, of course being blind his sense of sight isn’t an issue, so avoid be smelt or heard… if he’s can touch or taste you, well…

General Amaya is advised to retreat from the base in case of an inevitable sun-elf attack. She’s informed she has a visitor. Sneaking Is proving difficult is little zym is jealous of all the creatures flying above them, his desire almost gets them all scorched. Turns out the visitor is Gren, who tells Amaya of what’s been happening and about Viren’s arrest. She decides that her general is correct and they no longer can defend the bridge, their best hope is to destroy it before the sun elves us it.

With the two pinned down, sneaking no longer an option and fighting in evitable losing battle, Rayla decides there’s only one solution, to reason with him. And upon revealing Zym it seems to work, but Sol Regem has a deep seeding hatred of humans and whilst he’ll allow Rayla and Zym to pass, Callum’s gotta die.

Rayla tries to make her case for Callum and it might’ve worked if not for one thing, Sol can tell that Callum has practiced dark magic. Amaya and her crew have rigged the mountain with explosives and are rolling out a detonation cord, unfortunately the sun elves cut the cord before it can be used to detonate the explosives.

With that option out, Amaya decides to ride out and detonate them herself, she’s knocked off her horse and loses her flaming torch, thankfully she’s skilled enough against a sun elf to get her sword and uses that to detonate the explosives. In an interesting turn, the explosion knocks the sun elf off the cliff and she’s holding onto the edge for dear life, Amaya helps her up before being surrounded and forced to surrender.

Callum and Rayla have an idea. Rayla, the faster and more agile of the two will wear Callum’s scarf and lure Sol Regem away, allowing Callum to pass unimpeded. It works for a while, but Rayla gets trapped in some rocks and it a sitting duck for the next fire-blast. Callum has an idea, he gets Rayla to throw the scarf then uses his one and only spell to blow the scarf beneath an arch, being blind, Sol hits his head on the arch and is temporarily trapped.

Viren is still imprisoned but Aaravos is still whispering in his ear, telling him that things have already been set into motion and that he shouldn’t fret. Still, the ruling council outside are talking about ending his life as Ezran walks in.

It’s a nice worldbuilding episode as the pieces continue to move. I’m glad they’re being clever with the use of Callum’s magic, fighting a much stronger opponent using illusion and trickery, Lujanne taught them well.

Rating 7.5/10

The Crown

We open with Ezran getting up the next morning, woken by Bait. Ezran takes the crown, but doesn’t feel ready to put it on, partly wishing he was in Xadia with the others. Speaking of which, Callum and Rayla are heading through Xadia, Callum’s cube is picking up primal energy in just about every direction. Rayla’s plan is to head to her home to get help from the other moonshadow elves.

Ezran is seeing his newfound authority, royal guards who shout his requests at people even though he’s right there, jelly tarts whenever he wants without having to steal them, and now he has to deal with a huge backlog of messages. Yeah, you can which is the heavy plot and which is the light plot this episode. One minute you’re hearing how several kings and queens have been murdered and the next fart flowers. I get wanting to balance out the dark stuff but did you have to go there?

Anyway, a Royal Guard has brought Soren and Claudia to the castle, they’ve been arrested as traitors and are now brought for Ezran’s judgement. He’s not really sure what they did but Claudia keeps putting her foot in her mouth and revealing, at least to the adults, what her intentions were. Ezran doesn’t know what to do with them, I don’t think he knows what Viren did. So he tells them to give them food and rest but keep the chains on

Another visitor of equal seriousness is the son of one of the deceased kings. His army is outside the city gates, and he’s there to talk about waging war against Xadia. Of course Ezran does not know about anything that’s happened in his absence and is rather against the idea of waging war in principle, especially given the plan with Zym.

The council advisor woman who’s name I can’t remember, sorry, it’s been a while since I last watched this show and it has a lot of characters recommends he give control of the kingdom to a regent who he trusts.

Still, that’s not the path that Ezran ultimately chooses. Soren and Claudia are allowed to go free, not paying for the mistakes of their father and he unequivocally refuses to send his people to war, preaching a story of peace that would setting a lot easier if the hadn’t staged simultaneous deadly strikes on multiple kingdoms. I’m sorry, but a co-ordinated response to that is necessary, if actions don’t have consequences, then the actions will continue. And with this display of courage, he finally places the crown upon his end.

Ah, the naivety of youth. Still, it’s an interesting little political drama with some nice worldbuilding in the B-plot, even if said worldbuilding involves shit like fart flowers

Rating 7/10

Chapter 3 – Ghost

Rayla is feeling a lot of emotion regarding her return home, especially concern over what they may think of Callum.

Prince Kasev is summoned back to the Katolis palace, Ezran decides to tell him of the plan to have Callum and Rayla bring the baby dragon back to its mother and ta-da, world peace, or something, I may have missed a few steps. It works about as well as you might expect and one of the royal guards empathises with Kasev’s cause.

The sun elf warrior is about to interrogate Amaya with the help of an interpreter. Through the magic of… I guess interpretive dance they make through the forest illusion into Rayla’s home. Of course, Callum is literally wearing two twigs to disguise himself. But that might not be the only problem, as none of the elves have faces, Rayla says that it’s her that’s the problem, she’s a ‘ghost’

Soren and Claudia head to the dungeon to see their father who uses a butterfly to make himself presentable. He’s not too happy that not only have they not recovered the egg they’ve let it hatch. Though he tells them that everything he’s asked of them is for the good of humanity, Claudia then asks about his order for Soren to kill the princes.

Rayla hopes all this is a misunderstanding and goes to the one person she’s confident might see her to set things right, Ethari, unfortunately that isn’t happening and he’s ghosted her as well. The Sun Elf warrior gets pretty much nothing from her interrogation and decides to take Amaya to see the Queen, who quickly orders her killed.

Ethari is able to see Rayla in a reflection and says that whilst he told them she wasn’t ready to be a moon-shadow assassin, her abandonment of them resulted in their deaths. Aaravos tells Viren to lie, as they’ll need Claudia for some unspecified purpose soon so he does so, saying that Soren had misinterpreted his words, possibly even dangerously so. The saddest thing about this is that Claudia actually falls for this bullshit.

As they leave, one of the council bribes the guards so that Kasev can pay Viren a visit. Back with Rayla, Ethari uses a bit of moon-magic to temporarily break the ghosting spell, Rayla uses this chance to tell him everything. But Ethari has some bad news, with the death of her mate, the Dragon Queen has fallen ill, time is now of the essence and he provides a couple of mounts to help them on their way.

As they ride away we see beneath the water that one of the flowers is still open and floating. These flowers represent the lives of the moon-shadow assassins so one of the may still be alive, though barely.

Ethari sends a message via magical arrow to the dragon queen in the hope that she may see it and hold on. Rather than being killed on the spot, Amaya is given an opportunity to face judgement by the light, she looks into it and to the elves’ surprise comes out unharmed, she has a pure heart.

It’s a solid episode with some neat emotional touches

Rating 7/10

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