Saturday, October 22, 2022

A Strange Halloween Locke and Key Season 1 Episodes 3-5

The Lockes’ world is in disarray;
With Rendell’s death, there is dismay
Two face guilt, and drift apart
But the action is about to start

The well is open, Dodge is free
And in her hands, the anywhere key
Through any door, she can now pass
A power not easy to surpass

Into the mirror, a key opens the way
Another takes you inside your brain
For adults, the magic will be unseen
But the doors will open on A Strange Halloween

We’re taking another look at Locke and Key, what does the head key mean for the Locke siblings and their mother, well, let’s take a look.

Head space 

Tyler and Kinsey follow Bode into his head, an arcade. And a lot of Spyro the Dragon around. I really tried to like it but I found it… meh… Maybe I’m too old for it. Inside a jack-in-a-box, they find a memory, a memory of Rendell telling Bode a story one night. Bode fell asleep before the story ended, whilst Kinsey and Tyler disagree on the nature of the ending.

Bode explains the head key but neither Kinsey nor Tyler fancy the idea of the others rooting around in their heads, the also suspect the keys may be dangerous, given what happened with the mirror key so Tyler tries to take both of them, Kinsey and Bode object leading to Bode revealing that, I’ll just call her Dodge since that’s the moniker she’ll eventually take on, Dodge has the anywhere key.

Not sure whether Kinsey or Tyler believe him, I say rolling my eyes, but they compromise on Tyler and Kinsey each having one of the keys. Meanwhile, Dodge searches for a guy named Mark Cho on someone’s laptop, she finds the house rather easily and heads there, only to find he’s the guy from the opening who burnt down his house, with him inside it.

There are some kids outside, one of whom is wearing a key around his neck, the inferno key, I believe it’s called, the one that started the fire. Dodge convinces the kid to get close enough for her to grab the key, then toss him through a door opened with the anywhere key right onto some train tracks, he does not survive.

To thank her for her help, Scot has given her a ticket to a cover of a band called ‘band of horses’ it wouldn’t be a full outing with the Savini squad though, just the two of them, like a date… Or not, as Scot desperately tries to back out.  Kinsey gives him a maybe, which he takes well.

It’s a hockey match and they lose by 6 and Tyler’s annoyed he didn’t get more time on the court. Tyler again tries his luck with Jackie, it’s interrupted as a douchebag whose name I don’t remember hitting on Kinsey, Jackie told him he’d tried similar tactics on her and another friend earlier. Tyler’s buttons are pushed and it soon becomes a fight, a fight Tyler easily wins, shoving away Kinsey when she tries to stop him. Part of that is down to Tyler’s PTSD, he’s seeing Sam’s face when he’s punching.

Ridgeway separates them but is at least somewhat sympathetic to Tyler’s plight, agreeing to talk down the punishment to a few weeks’ suspension from the Hockey Team. Tyler has a flashback with Sam, admitting his frustrations with his father, even making a joke about killing fathers, one he very much regrets now.

Logan, guy with prosthetic legs stops by, saying he knows a thing or two about anger and warns Tyler not to let it destroy him. The next morning, Kinsey can’t bring herself to reply to a message from Scot. Kinsey tells Tyler she wants to go inside her head, she needs to see for herself what it’s like, Tyler says he’s coming along for moral support.

They enter her head, a mall where gravity alters on every floor. They head to a ‘store’ called Dad memories. They see Kinsey’s happy ending version of the story, still not the version Tyler remembers. Young Tyler brings her whale but that also changes the memory, this time to her version of Tyler beating on… whoever that was.

There they see a scary figure, if briefly. The memory changes again, this time to what Kinsey and Bode were doing during Sam’s attack. She reveals to Tyler her regrets as the figure attacks Tyler, Kinsey uses the poker she regrets not using against Sam against the figure, making it back off, but Tyler remains injured outside of the head.

He goes to his favourite pastime, stalking Jackie on social media. He begins remembering his version of the story, and true to his word it has a dark ending. Nina and Ellie are having dinner, and this point Nina mentions Bode’s friend in the wellhouse, which immediately sparks worry in Ellie. Nina reveals she’s been sober for the last 6 years.

Back at Keyhouse, Bode hears whispering, finding a key hidden in a portrait. He finds a door with a similar symbol on it to the key and opens it, he steps through it but he becomes ethereal whilst his physical body falls to the floor. He can’t be seen by physical beings, but enjoys using ghost flight to fly around the grounds. He flies to a cemetery and is greeted by a man named Chamberlin Locke.

Bode asks if that means his father’s ghost is here but only those who have died at the house stay in ghost form and most have decided to move to the afterlife. He did know Rendell, revealing that both he and Duncan used the keys at some point. He somehow is able to hear his mother coming home and is about to fly home, when she sees Ellie coming into the Wellhouse and calling down the well for ‘Lucas.’

Tyler discovers Bode’s physical body and nearly has a panic attack, fortunately Bode’s ethereal form re-enters his body at this point. Kinsey’s still trapped in her own head about going, but Nina convinces her to try, instead she chooses to try something rather drastic. She heads into the woods as uses the head-key on herself.

Nina looks through a yearbook, finding the omega symbol drawn all over it, the same tattoo Sam had on him. Kinsey drags out the creature in her head, the manifestation of her fear and buries it in the woods. Dodge is watching from the trees; now seemingly aware they have the Head Key.

It’s a solid effort, though the introduction of another new key doesn’t carry much weight, it’s barely a footnote in this story whilst the focus is on the head key. The pacing is still quite slow, as time is dedicated to the school subplot with barely a reason to care about it, particularly with Tyler’s friends.

Rating 7/10

The Keepers of the Keys

I’ve noticed the shortened the opening credits after the first few episodes. Anyway, now Kinsey has buried her fear in the woods, she’s giving herself a new look and making everyone breakfast. Though the first negative comes pretty quickly with a remark made to Nina’s face about her being disorganised. Tyler immediately cotton’s on that something isn’t quite right.

Tyler eventually gets Kinsey to admit what she’s done and he’s rightfully concerned about it, though she brushes him off as she goes to show the Savini squad a poster for their film she created. She apologises to Scot for not saying anything, offering to make it up to him, inviting him to Keyhouse after school.

Ellie and Nina have coffee and Nina asks about trying to get in touch with some of Rendell’s other friends, except Erin is confined to a psychiatric hospital after some sort of episode, potentially a stroke, and of course Marc died in a fire, meaning that Ellie is the last of the crew left alive or at least functionally.

We actually see Erin in the psychiatric hospital as Dodge pays her a visit, but even telling her that two of her friends have died recently isn’t enough to snap her out of her trance. Tyler gets a quasi-motivational speech from Mr Ridgeway, about trying something new.

Bode returns home and talks to Rufus, asking who Lucas was to Ellie. Her first love, apparently, who died. There’s also a bit about a tie to the house and the revolutionary war which will be relevant next season. Rufus tries to read up but sees Dodge in the picture of the wellhouse, not sure what key she’s using to do that.

Mr Ridgeway appears to have hinted to Jackie that Tyler wants to sign up for a fun-run charity event, and she wants to meet with him to talk about getting sponsors, this involves her getting his number, which in one call or text will mean he has her number too. One thing he finds out from her is that she loves England.

This gives Tyler an awful idea, using the head key to insert things into his head. Time for Nina to have a flashback about Rendell. Celebrating her 1st year of sobriety with a mug that says ‘ray of f*cking sunshine.’

Tyler and Jackie are out looking for sponsors and Tyler tries to use his newfound England trivia but ends up coming short when Jane Austin comes up as a topic. Scot and Kinsey arrive at Keyhouse, Scot nonchalantly mentions a sea-cave where a kid drowned back in the day, he’d apparently done a lot of local research by offering free ice cream. How do you even have a job doing that?

Anyway, up to the bedroom. Kinsey decides to show Scot the head key and they enter her mind, he initially doesn’t believe her but her showing off one of her memories, one of her dad taking her to the aquarium for her birthday, Scot is excited, but Kinsey realises she blocked Nina out of the memory, discovering in the viewing that she was there too. Scot cheers her up and the two kiss.

Tyler is picking out a copy of Sanditon, the Jane Austin novel Jackie found so fascinating, Jackie meets him there and the two agree to go out for Clam Chowder. It goes well. Tyler later apologises to Kinsey, and admits his own hypocrisy regarding the head key, but as that happens Dodge is busy shutting every door in the house with the power of… power of something, I don’t know.

Dodge uses the matchstick key to light the gas burners on fire, with Nina being completely oblivious. As Tyler and Kinsey go to help with the fire, Dodge grabs Bode, and interrogates him in a ring of fire. In doing so, however, she lets slip that she can’t physically take the keys, at least not from the Lockes, they have to give it to her. When Bode refuses, she takes her leave, coming up with another plan, as she does so the fire dissipates.

Kinsey and Nina have a little heart to heart, ending their conflict that was barely a thing in this episode as Dodge reveals her plan, giving Sam the matchstick key. Her emotional manipulation is front and centre here, she clearly has her grip on Sam.

This episode didn’t really get going until the last 10 minutes or so, Jackie needs some more screentime to make me care about her, the Kinsey romance is better but Scot is yet to be dragged into the main story.

Rating 7/10

Family Tree

Time for someone other than Bode to hear a whisper, as this time its Tyler that hears a key, he follows the sound, Kinsey can hear it also and the find the key in the piano. Guess the piano’s now out of key, get it…

Bode hears it also and has an idea of what the key could be for, taking down a musical box. Now they’re all aware of Dodge, they decide to split the keys between them. Kinsey now gets the music box key, Bode gets the mirror key and the ghost key, and Tyler keeps the head key. They soon discover what the music box can do, the person who uses the key can command others to their will.

It’s been 2 weeks since the fire, and despite having multiple look at the burner where the fire started, no-one can point out anything wrong with it.

Eden decides to be a bully, so guess who’s going to be the target for the Music Box key. Tyler is busy folding shirts with Jackie and Logan, Jackie invites them to her house to finish off, and Tyler convinces Logan to come up with an excuse not to be there, he’s cool with it, thinking that Jackie may appreciate it too.

Kinsey is angry at Eden, and has stupidly taken the music box to school with her, much to Tyler’s chagrin. Kinsey decides to show Scot the music box key and she uses it to get Eden to fall over. Gabe is coming up the stairs and takes notice of this. She actually takes it in stride, making it seem like a performance and earning ovation. Gabe catches on quick and there’s a good reason for that, but more on Gabe later. Gabe uses the music box on Eden, getting her to lie on the table and make a snow-angel.

People start recording and taking photos of her predicament, much to her embarrassment. It gets worse for Eden who starts coating herself in smoothie and mayonnaise. Scot is no longer amused by it, and thinks that’s enough though Gabe, for his own reasons and Kinsey, because she lacks fear, that part of your brain that tells you when to stop, want to continue. Scot storms off.

Nina pays Ridgeway a visit and finds out about the run Tyler’s a part of, something Tyler had neglected to mention to her, just after she gets a call from the elementary school Bode was enrolled in, revealing he brought a blacksmith hammer to school. Tyler and Jackie have another chit-chat that borders on the flirtatious. But that’s interrupted by a video of Eden lapdancing a statue.

Nina returns home with Bode but finds that they’re not the only ones there, Ellie had let herself into the house, pretending that it was to find one of Rufus’ soldiers. Nina notices a keyhole imprint on her chest, something that Rendell had also. Ellie claims she fell of her bike, but Nina is sceptic.

Gabe goes for a walk in the woods with Kinsey, and begins asking questions about the keys. Gabe reveals he’s been brought to boarding school whilst his parents are in the middle of a divorce. Kinsey returns home to rightfully livid Tyler. He chastises her and demands the key but she doesn’t have any fear of him or anything else she bites back.

Duncan arrives as Tyler is storming off. Duncan tries to talk to Bode but of course, Bode knows he can’t remember magic so he chooses not to tell him anything. Nina decides to pay Ridgeway a visit, enquiring about the scar, or what happened in Matheson that Rendell was so unwilling to talk about. She reveals that a reason she came here in the first place is because Sam talked about it when threatening Rendell. Ridgeway promises to help in what ways he can but warns about her losing herself over this.

Jackie and Tyler are busy folding t-shirts, and her comforting leads to a kiss. Speaking of romance, Scot decides that rather than be pissy about the incident with Eden, maybe they can use the keys to spruce up their movie a bit. He notices the photo of Rendell and his friends, revealing that 3 of them are the 3 that died in the sea caves, having seen an almost identical photo in the newspaper from that era.

Nina decides to pay Ellie a visit, but Rufus is the one to answer, Ellie isn’t there. Nina asks about the troop left at the house, for which Rufus replies that he didn’t leave one, further fuelling Nina’s suspicions. She was left a voicemail from Ridgeway, saying he had something he needed to show her, calling back she gets voicemail.

Tyler returns home just as Kinsey hears the whisper of another key, it’s at the gravesite. Kinsey finds it and makes a few good points about why they should use I, she uses it and out of the ground come a considerable number of jars. The memories as they find out belong to Duncan, finding out about a key that can change the way they look. Tyler is pre-occupied with another memory, one of Rendell attacking Lucas.

Nina returns to Ridgeway’s house, but finds him dead. She immediately calls the police who apparently have officers in the vicinity. She investigates a noise she heard but finds nothing. But we see Ellie is hidden nearby.

This episode begins stirring the pot of intrigue, even without Dodge around the pieces begin to move along the board providing more interesting things than the past couple of episodes. Not much in actual plot progression mind you, but the drama’s starting to pick up too and it won’t be long before one gets entangled in the other.

Rating 7.5/10

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