Friday, October 28, 2022

A Strange Halloween - Netflix Retrospective - Locke and Key Season 1 Episodes 6-8

The family of Locke are in a new town
As long-buried secrets rise from the ground
Their father is dead, his killer roams free
But to fight this advancement, they may have the key

A magical home they’ve come to possess,
Filled with keys with powers they choose to assess,
One allows you to enter your head
Though fear is a monster you may come to dread

Kinsey has buried her fear in the ground,
Now her mind lacks restraint, not logically sound,
The keys keep calling, one gives you control,
But in drawing attention, there will come a toll

The ghost and the mirror, two powerful keys
Now in the hands of the youngest, Bode
As Dodge from her prison, the wellhouse, is free
She can go anywhere with the anywhere key.

Nina enquires to her husband’s old friends
But at every enquiry, she’s finding dead ends.
Like the death of a friend she cannot explain,
She looks at the bottle to relieve her of pain.

Memories haunting are found in some jars
Now Duncan may hold the key to the past.
More keys and answers may yet still be seen
But danger is lurking on A Strange Halloween.

We continue with Locke and Key as the mysteries have been heating up, and some of those lines from the poem are actually from the future? Let’s take a look and find out which

The Black Door 

Nina is at the police station, she calls Ellie but doesn’t get anywhere. She talks to a detective about the case but they seem convinced it was a suicide, not a murder. Convincing him otherwise is a tall order for a detective in a town that mostly deals with petty crime. Even the voicemail isn’t enough to convince him. Tyler continues to get flashes of the memory he saw, and has the head key now. Jackie invites Tyler over and Tyler agrees to it.

Scot has come up with a plan to improve the Savini Squad’s film, but it’s dealt an immediate blow when they lose use of the docks thanks to… something. Kinsey has the memory jars in her possession, and decides to show Duncan one of the memories. It leaves him completely confused and queasy, and the moment Kinsey shuts them away he forgets all about it.

During another romance session with Jackie, she ends up finding the head key, not hard since it’s around Tyler’s neck. Tyler immediately freaks out and decides to head home. Kinsey tells Tyler what she did, and that Duncan fixated on a memory of the sea caves but Tyler’s beginning to freak out, chucking the head key at Kinsey and say he’s done with the whole thing. But, say it with me, it ain’t done with him. None of you said it with me

We cut to Ridgeway’s funeral which 90% of the town is attending, Nina sits next to Ellie and the two finally have it out, Ellie now claims the scars were something they did to themselves to remember their dead friends. Nina’s also suspicious about Ellie not being at home, but Ellie has no answer for that except on the defensive and open up the waterworks. Crocodile tears, Ellie.

Scot shows some footage he and Kinsey have already filmed, using the plant key to film an attack in the woods, which gathers some confusion given their antagonist is supposed to be a sea monster. Kinsey suggests filming in the sea caves, though it provokes a panicked response from the others aside from Gabe, who of course has his own agenda, we'll get to that later. With no better ideas, though, the sea caves are their only option.

Bode, who’s making his first appearance in the episode 15 minutes in, hears the whispering sound and investigates. He begins searching for a lock and soon finds it in a kitchen cabinet. Being prepared, he wears a helmet. But the cabinet appears to be empty. Nina takes possession of that key, unaware of being magical in any way as Kinsey comes around looking for flashlights, before she can explain why, Nina gets a call.

The detective is officially ruling Ridgeway’s death a suicide, but he does provide some photos he hopes can provide context for why Ridgeway called. Duncan’s still suffering a bad headache so Bode goes outside alone, getting another visit from Dodge. As Bode continues to refuse to give her the keys, we see Sam burn his way out of prison with the matchstick key, which can ignite even non-flammable surfaces.

Tyler gets an invite to a drinking event as Nina begins searching through the evidence. The Savini Squad head to the sea caves. And as they do so, Kinsey hears a whispering, she tries to encourage the others to go further in but they’re reluctant, except Gabe of course, they decide to go in deeper over Scot’s increasingly anxious objections. Still, Kinsey strikes gold with another great shooting location, though the whispers continue and she heads deeper still.

She finds a glowing door in the shape of an omega symbol. But their time filming here is cut short quickly as the tide is coming in, and yeah, that can happen, whilst tide prediction is a thing, there’s not a lot of consistency with the timing. They really should have checked that before coming down, especially given the history associated with the caves.

Big problem is that deeper parts of the cave may well be flooded and trap them, worse, the lower parts of the cave may fill completely and drown them. Gabe goes after Kinsey, who for reasons of utter stupidity has decided she needs to open the door. The tide is coming in fast and now the squad need to abandon their equipment so they can swim.

Scot is able to get the others out, but the water’s rising even higher for Kinsey and Gabe, who has finally wrangled her away from the door. They get a small pocket of air to breathe before having to dive again. Scot is somewhat understandably fuming about all this. They lost their equipment, and nearly died. And to make matters worse, Kinsey wasn’t even there, she’d gone even deeper in and it’s like she doesn’t care.

And it all comes back to her having chucked away her fear. The thesis is simple here, fear is not just a cause for stress and anxiety, it governs a lot of your personality. Without fear, she was willing to drag her friends into a dangerous world to find answers for herself, her single-mindedness ignored the risk and stopped her taking smart precautions like checking the frickin' tides.

Her lack of fear had her push her brother away, disregarding sensible advice to keep them all safe. Her lack of fear caused her to take a joke at Eden’s expense and drag it on beyond reason, her empathy is lost from her fear. And in her anger, she lets on that she doesn’t care about the film, basically throwing a torpedo in her relationship with Scot, and most of the squad too.

Gabe is a sympathetic ear, but again for his own agenda, and the scene ends with the two kissing. Tyler goes to the party, ignoring the 5k run he’s supposed to be at, much to Jackie’s annoyance. Logan notices and asks but he’s not exactly willing to answer as Tyler gets herself pissed. Dodge decides to pay the party a visit and talks immediately to Tyler, hitting it on with him. Told you it wasn’t done with him.

Jackie comes in at this awkward moment to find all this and it’s about to get incredibly awkward and yeah, you can tell Tyler is acting this way on purpose, him seeing his father potentially kill someone has messed him right up. I really wish the episode had focused more on that. Dodge finds him about to do something fucking stupid and invites him to finish off some whiskey

Bode tells Kinsey about his encounter with Dodge and it has set off some panic, this scene happened nearly half an hour ago, in story. Dodge formally introduces herself to Tyler and erm, pleasure ensues, I guess. Duncan leaves the house, as he leaves, Sam takes the opportunity to make his entrance.

This episode is there to demonstrate how fundamentally messed up two of our protagonists are right now, and whilst Kinsey’s story feels complete, Tyler’s feels like it’s missing pieces.

Rating 7/10


We open with a flashback to before the murder with Sam performing a dissection of a pig. Wow, that’s a school with a budget right there. Sam’s a bit of a funny guy, playing about with the cut open pig as the teacher went for more equipment. He’s oinking to the tune of Jingle Bells, whilst playing with a pig he’s cut open, what’s not to love? It may have gone overboard as the pig begins spewing out its intestines [and they’re lucky that’s not all] as the teacher comes back.

This lands him in the office of Rendel Locke, apparently this is not the first of such stunts, and it’s landed him 3 weeks detention. Unfortunately, through a convenient picture of Keyhouse that Rendel has up on his wall despite hating the place, Dodge is able to tempt Sam, somehow. In the Present, Rendell breaks into the house and begins searching for the keys. He has a gun, despite having a far more powerful weapon in the matchstick key, I guess burning down the house is a non-starter.

Bode is still worried about Dodge’s threat but Kinsey lost her phone so they can’t call Tyler for backup. Nina is still looking through old files, oblivious to Sam being in the house, but soon she hears enough to start investigating. Kinsey and Bode notice the broken window, just as Nina walks right in on Sam, who has his gun at her head. Bode and Kinsey hear this and decide to act, but rather than go toe-to-toe, Bode decides it might be better to use the ghost key.

Bode’s ghost form shifts through the wall but is unable to actually interact with the physical world enough to stop him, but at least gets a good look at what they’re dealing with, reporting back to Kinsey, Kinsey hides the head key in her toy whale as Sam comes down to threaten them. Bode decides to use the rule that no-one can take the key from him against Sam but it doesn’t seem to work. Kinsey stalls by telling Sam that Tyler has the head key.

As for Tyler, he’s busy at the moment. Now with 3 keys in his possession, he has them tied to a chair. We get a flashback to Sam’s unhappy childhood, his controlling and abusive father in particular. Back in the present, the Lockes get the link from Sam to Dodge, with her name being out for all to hear. But speaking of her, apparently Tyler’s not so drunk that he doesn’t recognise that Dodge has the anywhere key.

But coming back home means coming back into the mess with Sam, Tyler attacks but Sam uses the matchstick key to get him off, and recovers his gun, pointing it at Nina. Kinsey tells Sam she buried the key in the woods, so he takes her and Bode to dig it up, taking the anywhere key from Tyler as he ties him up.

In another flashback, Sam hears the calling from Dodge in the painting. She encourages him to look at his file on the desk. Revealing Rendell’s assessment that he may be mentally ill. Dodge encourages him to believe that this means that Tyler was in on it, gathering intel on Rendell's behalf.

Tyler manages to break out of his chair and using the clue Kinsey left behind recovers the head key. Kinsey digs up her fear which attacks Sam allowing Kinsey and Bode to run and hide. Sam goes back to the house and Tyler stops him with the head key. The manifestation of Sam’s consciousness hugs Tyler, saying he messed everything up, and it was all about finding the keys for Dodge, which alleviates Tyler somewhat as it means his little joke played no part in Rendell’s death.

Still, Dodge has his claws in him, and worse still, she’s arriving at the house, and whilst she can’t take a key from a Locke, taking it from Sam is child’s play, she stabs him in the stomach, killing his body. Dodge escapes with the anywhere key as the police arrive. Sam attempts to escape through a door, but since the ghost key was in it, his ghost form is separated from his body, the police arrive and shut the door, trapping him.

The family reunite and Sam’s ghost form looks on, crying. It’s not an easy night for the Lockes that follows, especially for Nina who eyes the alcohol Ellie gifted her and starts to drink it.

This particular episode is by far the strongest of the series thus-far, making some pretty big plot advancements with some pretty brutal action and paying off a couple of things they set up.

Rating 8.5/10

Ray of F**king Sunshine

Ellie and Rufus are preparing some soup and they talk about Lucas, who’s been staying in their house. Yeah, you’re right, it’s Dodge again.

Tyler and Kinsey are talking, with Kinsey revealing what she knows about the Black Door. Tyler wants to see it, and has the good sense to check the tide to ensure it isn’t going to rise whilst they’re in there. Nina walks in and her rather chipper actions attract the alarm of the others

Tyler quickly cottons on that she’s drinking again and they go looking for the alcohol in question. They find the picture of Erin, finding out that she’s in a psychiatric hospital. Nina takes another swig of alcohol, using mouthwash to mask her breath. As she passes the mirror prison, she sees her reflection beckoning her to follow, bringing back memories of being in the mirror, and resulting in her dropping her mug.

Jackie pays a visit, and so goes Gabe, both with Chowder and it’s actually a complete co-incidence. Nina is very chipper from the alcohol. Remind me where that was with Tyler after downing half a bottle of whiskey, he’s underage, he can’t have developed that strong a resistance, surely. Ellie and Rufus arrive with the soup and Nina apologises to Ellie.

Tyler apologises to Jackie as well who can’t really bring herself to be mad at him after everything he went through. Kinsey has received an acceptance letter for the Summer Art School, but is struggling to feel excited about it. Scot has also arrived and here’s where things get awkward, like Jackie he’s willing to forgive just about everything following what happened. Seeing Gabe, Scot decides to head off.

Bode airs his frustrations out with Gabe, who has an interesting line “If your superior officer asked you to keep enemy intel secret, would you? Under any circumstances?” There is a right answer to that, yes, holy shit, yes. Enemy intel that’s secret enough to be guarded as such means people put their lives on the line for it, revealing what they know may well sign their death warrants, worse yet it may compromise future operations if the enemy knows that you know. I realise this is not especially relevant in the context of what’s actually going on, but he doesn’t give Bode that context.

Anyway, Bode is introduced to Lucas. Nina opens the cupboard she threw the pieces of her broken mug into and finds it repaired, the one key they managed to save was to that cupboard, which seems to mend things. Kinsey talks to her soon after, and they use the cabinet to repair the whale. Nina’s starting to remember the magic.

But coming upstairs she can hear they know that she’s been drinking. Tyler’s phone alerts them of low tide so they can explore the sea caves as Dodge pays Erin another visit with the head key. Tyler and Kinsey are in the sea caves, with Kinsey relaying her regret about everything that happened with the Savini squad, also her regret about not attacking Sam when the opportunity presented itself.

They find a list of so-called Keepers of the Keys, they recognise every name on the list, several of whom are dead and Kinsey decides to head to warn Erin of Dodge’s arrival, far too late as Dodge enters her mind with the head key. Represented as Matheson academy albeit with more branches and VHS tapes. One of these tapes reveals Rendell hid the Omega key inside his own head. She also discovers how Erin ended up a vegetable, she ended up trapped inside her own head.

Kinsey arrives only moments too late to stop Dodge leaving with this information, she heads straight back to Ellie’s and snaps one of Rufus’ figures. Erin can’t say much but does reveal to Kinsey that Lucas is Dodge, at that time, we see that Dodge has the identity key and changes into Lucas’ form. Nina handles the urn that Rendell’s ashes were burnt in, she believes that maybe it would fix his ashes and bring him back, but naturally that doesn’t work.

Tyler and Kinsey are there to put the pieces back together, metaphorically speaking at least, Kinsey finally giving the speech that gets Nina to stop her spiral back to the bottle. Kinsey then finds Tyler with the ashes and he finds the Omega key among the ashes

It’s a slower aftermath, but one that starts pulling the strings together, pity that Bode is kinda cast off into the side-story this episode, a frustration he seems to share.

Rating 8/10

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